Media Kit Template

Media Kit Template

Here is the media kit template published in Romance Your Brand. Feel free to copy it for your own personal use (but honestly, it’s a .jpg file, and it would make a lot more sense for you to type this out in a text file wherever you like to keep notes).

In addition to what I’ve got here, you can also include: 

• links to Goodreads and Overdrive

• links to your paperbacks

• links to audiobooks if you produce those

• Keywords as you think of them, to help you with that metadata piece when you go to publish


I have the links for my ebooks listed twice, because a stack of short links is the easiest thing to share on social media. Those links don’t get truncated, which means bloggers and readers can copy and paste it easily, and the links don’t split across lines. But most of the promo blast opportunities, such as BookBub or Freebooksy, will want the full links, without any affiliate details or shorteners on them. And if you are focused on building a series, with backlist promotion down the road as part of the publishing plan, you’ll need those full links over and over again for years to come.